Thursday, September 25, 2014

and here it is --- my new PODCAST with R0GER CHUCLLES the CHICKEN!!!1
be sure to download it now and give us feedbakc on the show!!!

[[[[<<<< CLICK TO DOWNLAD AND LISTEN!! >>>>]]]]

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Coming soon!!!!1

co-host secured!
alomst done mixing up the first show that  will be poste dhere soon.  keep your eyes open!

 here's a hint about whats comming! 
I'll also be a guest on the next podcast #10 so check that out in the meantimes.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

out on my own??/?

i'm getting sick of dirk and dmitiri always not letting me tak part in in the sketschs all the time for #podcast.  i think its time to start my own PODCCaTS and have been thinking alot about that lately.  so i started this blog and a, working on the new show with a guy to do the opening for me,  let me knwo if you think this is a good idea and would listen!